Our story...
It was all of these things and more of them - none of them made the decision by itself but all of them became part of the journey towards the Happy House:
It is being part of a network of therapists, thinkers, explorers, experimenters and creators.
It is all of these things and so much more than any of them.
The Happy House already existed before we named it- before we knew.
Once we named it, we could share it with you.
- It was moving to a house in the centre of Masham. A house with a 300-year history of artisans, carpenters, masons, makers and creators who had made their hand-made mark.
- It was finding a secret space behind panelling, an ancient fireplace, a hand-made place.
- It was teaching music and art for 30 years centred on the creativity of the individual. A belief that life is art and we are all artists.
- It was creating an art gallery which became a sanctuary for some, distanced from the stresses of busy lives.
- It was being asked to share our space for poetry, to share space for meditation to share our creativity with our community.
- It was an understanding that spaces were needed for like-minded people to use.
- It was reconnecting with the spiritual side of ourselves and recognising the importance of that.
- It was meeting a mystic in India who told us that running an ashram was our future.
- It was a realisation that we wanted to share a part of our life and our home.
It is being part of a network of therapists, thinkers, explorers, experimenters and creators.
It is all of these things and so much more than any of them.
The Happy House already existed before we named it- before we knew.
Once we named it, we could share it with you.